1976 – 1987
Biology studies at University of Berne, Graduation with doctorate
1969 – 1976
High School Graduation Type C at Gymnasium Breitenbach/Laufen
Further Education
1987– 1990
Post-doc in nature conservation research project 'Lean meadows and pastures in Ticino' of the University of Berne
Seminar 'Museumsmanagement' of the Kerschensteiner Kolleg at the 'Deutschen Museum' in Munich
Various further training courses in the field of management training at the canton of Basel-Stadt
2010 – 2020
Curator Zoology, Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum Basel
2004 – 2010
Head of the Department of Life Sciences and Member of the Management Board, Natural History Museum Basel
1990 – 2005
Head of the Department of Zoology, Natural History Museum Basel
Nentwig, W., Blick, T. Gloor, D. Hänggi, A. & Kropf, C. 2015 Spinnen Europas – Spiders of Europe www.araneae.unibe.ch Version 10.2015
BOLZERN, A., BURCKHARDT, D. & HÄNGGI, A. (2013): Phylogeny and taxonomy of European funnel-web spiders of the Tegenaria-Malthonica complex (Araneae: Agelenidae) based upon morphological and molecular data. – Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 07/2013; 168: 723-848
POZZI, S., GONSETH, Y. & HÄNGGI, A. 1998: Evaluation de l'entretien des prairies sèches du plateau occidental suisse par le bias de leur peuplement arachnologique (Arachnida: Araneae). Rev. suisse Zool. 105 (3): 465-485
HÄNGGI, A., STÖCKLI, E. & NENTWIG, W. 1995. Habitats of Central European Spiders – Characterisation of the habitas of the most abundant spider species of Central Europe and associated species. Misc. Faun. Helv., 4, 459 pp., CSCF, Neuchâtel.
LÖRTSCHER, M., HÄNGGI, A. & ANTOGNOLI, C. 1994. Zoological arguments for managing the abandoned grasslands on Monte San Giorgio – based on data of three invertebrate groups (Lepidoptera, araneae, Saltatoria). Mitt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges., 67:421-435.
MAURER, R. & HÄNGGI, A. 1990. Katalog der schweizerischen Spinnen. Documenta faunistica Helvetiae 12. ca. 420 p.
HÄNGGI, A. 1987. Die Spinnenfauna der Feuchtgebiete des Grossen Mooses, Kt.Bern - II. Beurteilung des Naturschutzwertes naturnaher Standorte anhand der Spinnenfauna. Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Bern, N.F. 44:157-185.
Projects and Museums Activities
1992 – 2010
Project lead for more than a dozen special exhibitions
2008 – 2010
Management on the Museums's side of the refurbishment project 'Renovation of the entire heating-, ventilation- and airconditioning system for the protected cultural property rooms'.
2001 – 2010
Organisation of eight 'Basler days of biodiversity'
2007 – 2015
Organisation of four lecture days 'Nature & Technics – comprehensible science'