Support Support the Natural History Museum Basel!

Alongside state support, the Natural History Museum Basel is only able to carry out its varied remit with the support of private individuals, companies, associations and foundations. This support may take the form of either financial assistance or donations in kind.


Founded: 19.12.1973

The foundation's purpose is to support the Natural History Museum Basel in particular through

  • Contributions to scientific research at the museum
  • The acquisition of objects and specialist literature for collections and exhibitions
  • Scientific review and maintenance of collections

The foundation does not have any of its own collections, but instead donates the objects it acquires to the Natural History Museum Basel. It is also able to make contributions to expeditions. And it can contribute to raising the profile of the Natural History Museum Basel among the general public.

Die Stiftung zur Förderung des Naturhistorischen Museums hat unter anderem das neue Erscheinungsbild und diese Website finanziell massgeblich unterstützt.

The foundation to support the Natural History Museum Basel has also provided considerable financial support for the new look and this website.

Foundation council
Dr. Heinrich Vischer, President
Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm
Basil Thüring

David Alder, Managing Director

August Tobler Foundation

Founded: 16.3.1923, will of August Tobler † 23.11.1929

According to the terms of the will, accrued interest is used to procure mineralogical, geological and palaeontological objects and to reward the scientific studies of the Natural History Museum Basel's mineralogical, geological and palaeontological collections.

Foundation council
Dr. Heinrich Vischer, President
Dr. Michael Krzemnicki
Basil Thüring

David Alder, Managing Director

Kugler-Werdenberg Foundation

Founded: 9.11.1964, legacy of Dr. Hans Gottfried & Aline Kugler-Werdenberg

To encourage palaeontology and zoology studies at the Natural History Museum Basel by directing financial contributions to:

  • Scientific studies of palaeontological collections
  • Procurement of palaeontological specialist literature
  • Scientific studies of zoological collections
  • Publications on scientific work

Foundation council
Dr. Heinrich Vischer, President
Prof. Dr. Dieter Ebert
Basil Thüring

David Alder, Managing Director


Founded: 21.1.2004

The foundation's purpose is to effectively promote all of the interests of entomology at the Natural History Museum Basel.

Foundation council
Prof. Dr. Martin Spiess. (President)
Dr. Matthias Borer
PD Dr. Daniel Burckhardt (actuary)
Dr. Henryk Luka
Prof. Dr. em. Peter Nagel


Friends of the Natural History Museum Basel Association
The benefactors' association supports the museum with the procurement of special objects. The members have free admission to the museum, work with the Natural History Museum Basel at special events and help encourage direct dialogue with the museum's staff.

Further information can be found on the association's website: Friends of NMB

Bugs for Basel Foundation
The association was founded in 1987 to bring Georg Frey's bug collection from Munich to Basel. The benefactors' association supports the Frey bug collection at the Natural History Museum Basel.

Further information can be found on the association's website.