1993 – 1998
PhD in Earth Sciences, ETH Zurich: 'The Forno unit (Rhetic Alps): Evolution of an ocean-floor sequence from rifting to Alpine orogeny'
1988 – 1993
Study of Earth Sciences, University of Basel: 'Structural geology and petrography of Trescolmen, Adula-Decke/GR'
High School Graduation Type C, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliches Gymnasium Basel
Further Education
2012 – 2016
Diploma of Advanced Studies in 'Management and Business Administration' (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz)
Lower cadre, Basel-Stadt
Seminar 'Museumsmanagement' at Kerschensteiner Kolleg of the Deutsches Museums Munich
Various further training in the areas of professional competence, leadership competence and social competence (Training by canton Basel-Stadt)
Various further training courses in museology
Since 1999
Curator Mineralogy (Department of Earth Sciences), Natural History Museum Basel
Co-worker Schweizerische Geotechnische Kommission (SGTK), Zurich
Puschnig, A.R. & Graeser, S. (2006): 100 Jahre Simplon-Eisenbahntunnel – Beitrag von Baslern beim Bau des Tunnels und zur Geologie des Simplons. Mitt. Naturforsch. Ges. beider Basel 9: 67-86
Puschnig, A.R., Graeser, S. & Arnoth, J. (2006): Die mineralogischen Sammlungen des Naturhistorischen Museums Basel (Schweiz): Geschichte, Schwerpunkte und heutiger Zustand. Mitt. Naturforsch. Ges. beider Basel 9: 47-66
Puschnig, A.R. (2002): Metasomatic alterations at mafic-ultramafic contacts in Valmalenco (Rhetic Alps, N-Italy). Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 82: 515-536
Puschnig, A.R. (2000): The oceanic Forno unit (Rhetic Alps): Field relations, geochemistry and paleogeographic setting. Eclogae geol. Helv. 93: 103-124
Puschnig, A.R. (1996): Regional and emplacement-related structures at the northeastern border of the Bergell intrusion (Monte del Forno, Rhetic Alps). Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 76: 399-420
Schmid, S.M., Berger, A., Davidson, C., Gieré, R., Hermann, J., Nievergelt, P., Puschnig, A.R. & Rosenberg, C. (1996): The Bergell pluton (Southern Switzerland, Northern Italy): Overview accompanying a geological-tectonic map of the intrusion and surrounding country rocks. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 76: 329-356
Meyre, C. & Puschnig, A.R. (1993): High-pressure metamorphism and deformation at Trescolmen, Adula nappe, Central Alps. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 73: 277-283
Projects and Museum Activities
2014 – 2016
Expert curation mineralog. part of the permanent exhibition 'Nature Showcase'
2012 – 2014
Project lead from the side of the Museum for an external storage (rebuilding, furnisighing and moving of the collection)
Collection: Maintenance of the mineralogical collections (expansion, maintenance, scientific questions, research etc.), development and maintenance of the database of the mineralogical collections
Exhibitions: Collaboration in special exhibitions and supervision of the permanent mineralogical exhibition, guided tours in permanent and special exhibitions on various topics
Scientific interests: Mineral formation processes, minerals and geological processes (orogenesis, tectonics, petrology, geochemistry)
Previous special exhibitions:
'Plaster & Gold – Crystals of the Basel region'
'Foxtapeworms – ancient parasites' (collaboration)
'Giant circone from the Centovalli'
2007 – 2008
'New: Minerals of Switzeralnd'
'100 years Simplontunnel – construction, geology and minerals'
'Fascination gold – spektacular gold discovery in the Surselva'
'The earth trembles – here too' (collaboration in the geoscientific part)
2001 – 2002
'Mysterious Tourmaline – stone of the rainbow'
'The fascinating world of caves' (collaboration in the geoscientific part)
'Christian Friedrich Schönbein – a life for chemistry' (collaboration)