Habilitation - University of Fribourg, Switzerland
« The Origin and Diversification of Ruminants: biogeography, phylogeny, and morphometric »
PhD in Paleontology at the University of Fribourg
« The Ruminantia (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla) from the Oligocene to the Early Miocene of Western Europe : systematics, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography »
Master in Paleontology, Paleobiology and Phylogeny - Universities of Poitiers & Montpellier, France
« Helioseus insolitus de l’Eocène algérien : analyse morphologique et phylogénétique, régime alimentaire et implications paléoécologiques »
Projects and Museum Activities
Reorganisation and expertise of the vertebrate collections
Organisation of the Wissenschaftrunde
Guided tours
Student supervision at the Natural Historiy Museum, Basel: Bachelor and Master
2020 – in progress
Research assistant with curatorial function for vertebrate paleontology and osteology at the Natural History Museum of Basel, Switzerland
2019 – 2021
Postdoctoral researcher at the Natural History Museum of Basel, Switzerland
«Mining the origin and deep-time relationships of ruminants with digital data from the ear»
2017 – 2019
Postdoctoral researcher at the Natural History Museum of Vienna, Austria, and Basel, Switzerland
«Is the Himalayan orogeny at the origin of the emergence of modern ruminants?»
2015 – 2017
Postdoctoral researcher at the Natural History Museum of Basel, Switzerland
«Phylogeny of living and extinct ruminants through 3D computed tomography-based analysis of the ear region»
2013 – 2014
Postdoctoral researcher at the MNHN Paris, France and the Bavarian State Collections of Paleontology and Geology of Munich, Germany
«Diversification précoce des ruminants européens»
Lecturer at the University of Orsay-Paris Sud, France
2012 – 2013
Responsible for the paleontological formation at the University of Fribourg ad interim, Switzerland
Lecturer at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland
2007 – 2012
Assistant in Geoscience at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Gagnaison C., Mennecart B., Bailleul J., Barrier P., Chenot E., Topullec R., Potel S., Martin H., Millet A., & Memeteau D. (accepted). New geological and biostratigraphic data from the vertebrate paleontological site of Mauvières near Marcilly-sur-Maulne (Lower and Middle Miocene; Indre-et-Loire, France). Géodiversitas
Georgialis G.L., Mennecart B., & Smith K.T. (2023) First fossil record of Varanus (Reptilia, Squamata) from Switzerland and the earliest occurrences of the genus in Europe Swiss Journal of Geosciences 116, 9. DOI 10.1186/s00015-023-00440-5
Nel A., Mennecart B., Spasojevic T., Viertler A., Maridet O., Costeur L., Garrouste R., & Coster P. (2023). The first fossil representative of the water strider subfamily Ptilomerinae (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Gerridae) in the Oligocene paleolake of Murs (southern France) with some palaeoecological considerations. European Journal of Taxonomy 888, 124–136. DOI 10.5852/ ejt.2023.888.2235
Aiglstorfer M., Wang S., Cheng J., Xing L., Fu J., & Mennecart B. (2023). Miocene Moschidae (Mammalia, Ruminantia) from the Linxia Basin (China) connect Europe and Asia and show early evolutionary diversity of a today monogeneric family. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 619, 111531. DOI 0.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111531
Mennecart B., Wang S., Cheng J., Xing L., Fu J., & Aiglstorfer M. (2023). 3D models related to the publication: Miocene Moschidae (Mammalia, Ruminantia) from the Linxia Basin (China) connect Europe and Asia and show early evolutionary diversity of a today monogeneric family. MorphoMuseuM 9(2), 1–3. DOI 10.18563/journal.m3.184