Felicitas Maeder
Volunteer Life Sciences
Projekt Muschelseide; Stiftung Pro Entomologia
Phone +41 61 266 55 69 Email
Further Education
Numerous during my professional life, amongst others, languages, apprentice trainer, computing, project management
Culture Management, Stapferhaus Lenzburg
Thesis: Exhibition concept for Sea Silk – Gold from the Oceans
Awarded an honorary doctorate by the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Basel
1992 – 2006
Man-Society-Environment Programme (MGU), University of Basel, Administration development/processing of research issues
1984 – 1992
Schools Psychological Service, Basel-Stadt, Executive secretary
1976 – 1984
Physiological Department, University of Basel, Secretary
1974 – 1976
City of Basel Music Academy, Executive Secretary
1969 – 1973
Swiss Institute of Pastoral Sociology (SPI), St. Gallen, Administration development
Maeder, F. & Médard, F. (in press) Too good to be true – no sea-silk in Pompeii. In Purpureae Vestes VI: Proceedings of the International Symposium “Textiles and Dyes in the Mediterranean Economy and Society”, Padova Oct. 2016.
Maeder, F. (2017) La soie marine et son histoire: un produit textile de la Méediterranée. In L’exploitation des ressources maritimes de l’Antiquité. Activités productives et organisation des territoires. XXXVIIe rencontres internationales d’archéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes & XIIe colloque de l’association AGER. R. Gonzales Villaescusa et al. (eds.), Editions APDCA, Antibes, 71-88.
Maeder, F. (2017) Irritating Byssus – Etymological problems, material facts and the impact of mass media. In Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe 1000 BC – AD 1000”. S. Gaspa, C. Michel, & M.-L. Nosch (eds), Lincolnn NE: Zea Books), 500-519.
Maeder, F. (2017) Byssus and sea-silk: a linguistic problem with consequences. In Treasures from the Sea – Sea Silk and Shellfish Purple Dye in Antiquity. H. Landenius Enegren & F. Meo (eds), Oxbow Books, Ancient Textile Series 30, Oxford, 4-19.
Maeder, F. (2016) Nicht überall wo Byssus draufsteht ist Muschelseide drin. Sprachliche und materielle Aspekte eines Missverständ-nisses – und die Folgen. In Das Christusbild. Zu Herkunft und Entwicklung in Ost und West. K. Dietz et al. (eds.), Echter Verlag, Würzburg, 790-848 und Tafeln 85/86.
Maeder, F. (2016) Byssus und Muschelseide. Ein sprachliches Problem und seine Folgen. In Weben und Gewebe in der Antike: Materialität, Repräsentation, Episteme, Metapoetik. H. Harich-Schwarzbauer (ed.), Oxbow Books, Oxford & Philadelpia, 1-20.
Maeder, F. (2012) Gesucht und gefunden: Muschelseide in alten Wollmusterbüchern des 18. Jahrhunderts. Das Monschauer Land, Jahrbuch 2013, 10-22.
Projects and Museum Activities
'Sea silk project':
- Compiling an inventory of all existing objects
- Research into history and handicraft
- Documentation of existing evidence
- Project homepage in German, English and Italian: www.muschelseide.ch.